Tuesday, May 10, 2011

They Invaded Your Home and You Need to Survive: How to Fight with a Knife

By Al Case

Gangsters breaking into your house, pulling you out of your automobile, threatening your family...this is a worst thing that can happen. Mind you, I am not telling you how to do violence in this article, I just want you to survive as best you can. Before I go on with this subject, I recommend you look into a serious martial arts school to further your learning.

These are the worst of times. If the police report in your weekly journal, filled with drug dealers and muggings, doesn't scare you, then the general shape of the world should. Talk of terrorist attacks, stories of civil unrest and riots, these are realities in our world.

If somebody pulls a weapon on you and wants to start knife fighting, you have to be aware that there are three potential movements that you have to face. There is the obvious stab and slice. Then there is the not so obvious butt stroke.

First thing, get out of there. Run, and run loudly. Screaming rape is a good thing.

Second, grab something, anything, a book, a chair, a frying pan and wave it violently. Maybe you don't know how to use whatever it is you picked up, but once the mugger knows he isn't going to get your money and your life without working for it, he might bug out. Seriously, I knew a fellow who was jumped by a herd of bad guys, and he chased them down the street by waving a plate at them!

Third, even a piece of clothing can help you make a knife defense. If you can slip your coat off and whip it around your arm, you have protection. If you can unhook your belt you can use it for a whip, and snap the thing towards his eyes.

Third, your back is against the wall, there is nowhere to run...what do you do? First, remember that he has to reach you, and that means he is going to have to stick out his arm. If you can body hug that arm, you might take a few cuts, but you have immobilized his weapon to some degree.

The things I've shared here are desperate measures, they are strategies that you pull out of the hat after the fit hits the shan. They happen after you should have been prepared, if you get my drift. If you are serious about how to knife fight, the best place to start is a good martial arts school.

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