Make sure you have a clean place to work out. Make sure you practice kung fu every day without fail. Now let's get into what and how you study this ancient martial art.
The best free resource is going to be the internet. To find what you need simply do a google search on terms like 'Study Kung Fu,' 'learn shaolin online,' 'free gung fu,' and so on. Spend some time going over the sites that come up, and select the type of kung fu that you want to learn.
Start your martial arts training with a comprehensive series of stretches. This will warm your body up, prepare you for harder calisthenics, and help prevent injury. Take your time and learn to enjoy stretching, as it will be the foundation for all future movement.
Next, select a good and comprehensive list of basic gung fu movements. This should include stances, blocks, kicks, and punches. Practice these basics diligently, for the key to mastery in any subject is in how well you can perform the basics.
Having done your warm ups and basics, you are ready to work on forms. Search for basic kung fu patterns online and practice them. Again, pay close attention to the fine points and learn how to do them properly, for they will show you the movements you will need for self defense.
Get a friend and practice the movements of the forms on each other. Pay close attention to what works and what doesn't, and be willing to alter the movements slightly so as to achieve street workability. Remember, you can find all the self defense movements you need in kung fu, but you are going to have to examine and analyze the forms to find those movements.
In closing, let me offer some pointed advice: it is important to practice, practice, practice, but one must know why it is they are practice. To master the martial arts you must not just do them, you must understand why they work and how they work. Remember, Kung Fu means 'skill achieved over time,' and if you are willing to dedicate yourself, then you will understand how to learn Kung Fu Online.
About the Author:
Congratulations for wanting to learn Kung Fu online. Head on over to Monster Martial Arts and learn the Shaolin Butterfly Kung Fu. A FREE book is available at the top left of the home page.
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